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Creative. Professional. Goals.

Why did you start in your chosen creative field? Did you know someone that did graphic design? Maybe it was a cool illustrator, graphic novelist, game designer, or perhaps you were just the only person in the room that liked watching the commercials. Whatever the reason, it's essential to hold on to those things that made this career fun, inspiring and gives you a little emotional high when doing it.

I'm not here to tell you what that "thing" is, or is not. What I am here to tell you is that you can't leave that thing behind or the spark will surely stay with it. This is why I do a fair amount of work at low-2-no-cost to [some] of my clients. With that comes a great sense of freedom in that I can explore and push the boundaries of my services as much as time, and my creative throughput will muster.

Enter Ferrelle Surette – at the dawn of Instagram I stumbled upon his images and quickly was enthralled with the honesty of the images. Almost a decade ago I wrote an article that featured a slew of folks that I felt really embraced this little square medium.

Since that time I've befriended Ferrelle, and we've become fast friends — watching our daughters grow up and sharing a love for giving back. He found his path in that time was to take bikes people intended to through away, recycle them, and then give them away. Since that time, I helped him brand "Recycled Cycles of Texas" – we've done all kinds of swag but nothing formal like a website. So I'm truly excited to launch his project as my project.

So if you want to do me a solid, throw a couple of dollars his way, tell that dirty hooker I sent you too — you'll be doing more, for people with less, than most.